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Room to Grow Stewardship Series 2023

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Room to Grow Stewardship Series 2023

Together, as a church family, we entered a new season in 2022. We sought after God’s own heart, a new vision to shape our next decade of ministry. God answered our prayers and gave us a vision to be “A church striving to embody grace and truth, as we grow followers of Jesus Christ.” We desire to serve and impact our community, our friends and neighbors, as well as the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. Areas Needed for Growth Prepare our Facility for Missional Outreach: - Sprinkler System - Improved Security - Deferred Maintenance Fuel the Vision: - Retain Current Staff - Hire Connections/Outreach Minister - Updated Maintenance Increase support for mission-critical ministries like global missions and foster care. Establish a firm foundation to increase effectiveness and amplify our impact. The leadership of Aspen Grove Christian Church is inviting you to join us on a spiritual journey. With this vision campaign we are inviting each member to consider God’s place in their lives. What might He do with a sacrificing church to see His will be done? We are expectantly asking everyone to make a faith commitment. Our future represents a bigger, bolder, more audacious, and impactful vision than has been previously imagined. It is distinctly new and is achievable, but only through faith.