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Teachings from 2014

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November 23, 2014

Matthew #11 Fainting Goats

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Kingdom Come, The Good News of Matthew Passage: Matthew 28

July 27, 2014

1 John #14 What do you know

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: What's Love? A study of 1 John Passage: 1 John 5:20

July 13, 2014

1 John #12 Born Again

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: What's Love? A study of 1 John Passage: 1 John 5:1–5:5

July 6, 2014

1 John #11 No Fear

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: What's Love? A study of 1 John Passage: 1 John 4:16–4:21

June 22, 2014

1 John #9 Mixed Messages

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: What's Love? A study of 1 John Passage: 1 John 4:1–4:4

May 25, 2014

1 John #5 Love, Fellowship & The Antichrist

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: What's Love? A study of 1 John Passage: 1 John 2:15–2:25

May 18, 2014

1 John #4 You are Strong

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: What's Love? A study of 1 John Passage: 1 John 2:12–2:14

April 20, 2014

#8 Centered Life (Easter 2014)

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Centered

April 6, 2014

#6 Centered Relationships

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Centered

March 30, 2014

#5 Centered Discipline

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Centered

March 23, 2014

#4 Centered Transformation

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Centered

March 16, 2014

#3 Centered Repentance

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Centered

March 2, 2014

#1 Centered Appetite

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Centered

February 23, 2014

Joshua #8 Choose whom you will serve

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Joshua

February 16, 2014

Joshua #7 Semper Fi

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Joshua

February 9, 2014

Joshua #6 Hidden Things

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Joshua

February 2, 2014

Joshua #5 First Fruits

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Joshua

January 26, 2014

Joshua #4 Crossing the Jordan

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Joshua

January 19, 2014

Joshua #3 The prophetic prostitute

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Joshua

January 5, 2014

Joshua #1, A promise is...

Speaker: Adam Kaufhold Series: Joshua